Did You Know…?
a fetus’s hearing system is fully developed by 3.5 months, and they begin to hear sounds from the outside world around 4 months
mom’s voice, which has a frequency of 250-600 Hertz, attracts baby’s attention first and travels to the unborn baby not only through air, but also through vibrations via flesh and bones
hearing mom’s voice every day establishes a sense of safety and comfort for baby that continues after birth
because of the great range of pitch, inflection and rhythm of music, singing is heard more clearly in the womb than speaking
music prepares the baby’s ear, body and brain for language skills
because hormones are passed to the fetus through the placenta, when mom is experiencing stress or anxiety baby feels it too
conversely, when mom listens to music that relaxes or makes her feel good, baby gets those “feel good” hormones too
through music, we can condition the fetus to have a specific response (for example: to relax, to comfort, to signal sleep or eating time)
research has shown that an unborn baby can learn and recognize a simple melody that it has been exposed to repeatedly in the womb. The same music has been shown to calm the baby after birth